[. . . ] 9r~dl!, ~, ~d lot ':'2 r:'\'lil"Jr, "s b: Swing ':)'J( f:\;/?r '. '. . ;th ;11t. ='Jrr. . \C!:!measlHing ~pO'XI c: IIIIJ~inat~'. 5 tJN:a~;: £witcr - ---'-'_"00' _00_- --' I . . J J [ ~ '!. . Features Your new KRUPS COcoon Coffee Ma!<er has Ihe following feaitIres: . . ~~oma Guide provides 'oNaterand coHee indicators to ensure a d!'!licious cup of coHee eve, , 'y'time. [. . . ] Wash carafe and filter basket with hot '. vater and mild liquid soap. " . I \~/ , 11 I . . . Pull Cut cord tc the preferred length and plug in your KAUPScoHee maker (see figure 1). Op<:n the hinged Ed on Ihe ""/otf"r Pres:>the ONiOFFswitch indicator lighl illuminates bre. . , . . ing 'Ni/lcommGnce. plate win keep the coffee shut off (see figure 121. so ih, "nd The h h::>1 , u . , J f ;"J ) , . J J tank (see figure 21. Remove Ihe r. arafe lid, Usir:g ihe carafe. The indicaiOr on thE:A, roma Guide ShY. 'II'5 hc'. ", mur. n waler . :lCU <litO filling inlo the , a~~ (see figure 3i. . ", I) LJ !} I 1. ~ ~ -:tStop'n Serve Feature j"~le SDP'r. ;:~";'. ':~; '. . '1 Cleaning , A, ', ", vc. , /S Decalcifying Altp';)lJgh Yl'J'JrKRUPScoffee maker has . he most adv<1l1ced""later heating and p', ;mping s'is~em, it iil periodically r, aed cleaning 'wilh a decak:ifving ageni. Ir. sor:, g areas whr:re the ', . "ateris :-. ard, , /0'. 1will , , ~£:d to ci!caldi'l . -nore Accessories Replace". em carofr::with lid IVlod, #11 Soar. . . ::;ff';H~r"~:s :<HU?S' ;;) '. i', , ~'m:E:iu, { c(lff~;; fc - . . ~ q :jidi CUP ~t ;wtc~~aticall', , , , . :", ':'~8 u('lplug this appliance before ;:", e ~iit£:r bas'o<et a. -, d de;;n it as '. :. ; i-, <;r';; c' 2 mor c, :, f;p. :;~ '. Remove ', '1181;. :IS rn~ carafe and :id ;, n a solution Permanent gold tone fil, l;:r KRUPS paper filters Mod. #0:I Size . ;' C =-, s~j-, (: f' ;)'. :Vf;; brw. . 'i-;l~ , ::c. H;:e ~:-, c ~j'l~r G'Jne '. f th" g!a3S 0; hc: water and mild liquid soap. 7he5e p. 3, -tS ca~, als. :) D03p', 2Gf:d in Ihe IJDper leve: of ycur dish'. '''', 3sher eTie. ;;tive c;&ar, ing. Never use S{. ':JlJring agen~s, Do ~ot O:3, 'c(" is r. "r;wve:l COG:>'. riur:ng ''';;: '. '~:3 ::, ;)~; :::;:r, r. : , , , , i', s, , ";;'::; . :. , i', '. '::; :;U)5 irorn ;'0)':; ', vdrmir, g Yoo. ! for s. :Iie Limited One YearWarran~ Ycur:<RUPSJ!144:5 covered by th~ folk)\ving . . varranty Iglass carafes are excludedfrom '. l'Iarranty'): If from date of purchase , ithin one year this KRUPS preduct fails10 . iunction bp. ca'use of dejects in th8 jre'l-/;ns evde. 20 ~ :c:-. d$ 'oet\. '. 'f:6, ' the a~. :1 its 'Dein. , ; of on" :0:' <>1~'Jv. ' '~, 2 5. :r'o/in9 t (, j' coli;:. ;:, rrec, uentl'f'than in areaswith softwal;;r. It will also depend '. . :pon hOlNeoft<!n YO'J ;:, 1 ::r: 111(, ':iHcla place meta', objects, $u. ;;has ;!a\"Nare, s\!verNarp. , coins, steel wool. Glass ", ;1"; '(jreak or 'r;;. ::twe as a result of Impact. ~, ::. . . er irr. merse lh~ appliane:e itself in "', '3:e, 1)( iJn'l other liquid. Wiih oft damp ck. th, use 'lOur'~cHee maker, When to Decalcify You will know ', . . . ;-. en $UC~' a claac, ing T", , , S~op' n Se{v~ ::!e'. , ~:doses o~ the : iii, S' '. ':d--: O:. Oi, t ;;. . :rt':f-'f. :;ti'. , :el', ' Ihal. ihere 11'. 2 i'-. J JIM: i, t: '-Ie dr::JO, at mo:'. t!i. is ', 'i ;':'- a~ IV'" ':) Co1/'f, ;. 2'Gr' pont. o ::)(1. :. . :, ilw , ;araiE: :5 ;;;;ila:;Ed, th. :! "soft. r, ec'~ssar'l b'y' an obvious slo', , 'Jdo' the bre'l, "ing time oi '(our coHee, This e;. :t~nded time indicates that there ar:; Decalcifier is widely avcilable ana can be purchased from the KRUPS C(on~:Jmer . . ~ is n :n materialsor 'Narkmanship, RUPS . [. . . ] If s'Nallo~'I!;d accide"tly, drink several glasses of '<'''G~err, :. r mil!< and consult 'y'OIJrdoclor. 'Alarran, '/gives you specificlegal rigl 3'1d 'Iou may also ha"'", other rights whi::. h may vary from state to state. \J \J -I 'f) J) '- -:-his () eri'. ~I', '!C, 3rr;. ;!Scotii>c grou~d, > , , ', . i:h i~ :1i"; irot. E:ri8rewi:'r. th: sr i!p-sh:)~ , I I -I -I '\ D :) J) \J o::t JJ . J ~ 2. :::eond the filii'!: ho;der, thus "ilow:ng '::;r'h', ';!C. :;;)~i;;e"0 c(ln, i:"ue 10 crip :h:oug;', 11this blockage and subsequent dripping do occur, replace thE glass carafe immediately and allow the full brewing cycle to rur. [. . . ]